Category: Finance

Day 2 of GLF Amazonia looks at links between supply chains and livelihoods of Amazonian peoples

Experts stress perils of deforestation, fire and climate change - and hopes of land management - for the tipping point of the Amazon.

A study shows that the Indigenous Poyanawa people are good stewards of their land - and can benefit from its carbon credits.

The key to financing the Amazon biome’s future survival? Creativity, says Leonardo Letelier, Amazon finance expert and founder of SITAWI.

Public development banks can play a vital role in promoting greater investment in biodiversity and nature-based solutions.

Of USD 30 billion, negligible amounts reach Indigenous communities managing nearly half the world’s non-Antarctic land, report finds.

Here’s what experts said in two dialogues on the sustainable finance landscape in Africa.

The 10 Billion Tree Tsunami could pilot a new financial mechanism – and set an example for other developing countries with forestation goals.

Here's what was discussed at a two-day forum of global leaders and local land-users discussing the restoration of Africa's drylands.

The Global Landscapes Forum hosted a two-day event on African drylands. Food, youth and narrative were discussed on day-one.

The private sector provides only 14% of the investments in nature-based solutions that are needed, presenting a new opportunity for revenue.

Across the spectrum of science, policy, business, art and activism, these women are the forefront of their fields.

“Blue” carbon credits come bluest in Colombia’s Cispata mangroves, one of the most well-preserved mangrove forests in the Caribbean.

Digital forum focuses on how to achieve restoration through local approaches, green jobs and links to climate and biodiversity.

Four winners receive funding to solve socioeconomic and environmental challenges in Central Asia for Aral Sea landscape restoration.