
Global assessment aims to catalogue all tree species and their conservation status in order to inform restoration action.

Here's what happened at this year's annual discussions between the 18 member countries of Initiative 20x20.

An international panel of 200 scientists has called for a halt to Amazon deforestation, warning that the rainforest stands on the brink of a tipping point.

Dozens of experts explain the current state of Central African protected areas, from management to mining and everything in between

What scientists predict for the world's largest rainforest's burns this year

Azaria Kilimba’s pioneering work in community forest conservation has seen half a million hectares reclaimed for nature.

Public development banks can play a vital role in promoting greater investment in biodiversity and nature-based solutions.

The Amazon biome is home to up to 30% of the world’s known species. Here’s all you need to know about the world’s most diverse ecosystem.

Scientists and policymakers stress importance of targeting managed and agricultural landscapes in Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework.

None of the Aichi Targets have been fully achieved – but the new Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework aims to address their shortcomings.

In Peru, a look inside the Indigenous movement fighting for rights of nature, making ecosystems subjects for state protection.

Conservationist Félix Ratelolahy recounts the lessons the Makira forest has taught him about restoring Madagascar to its ‘Green Island’ glory.

Enshrined in myth, the dugong supports fishing industries and carbon stocks – through its ferocious herbivore appetite.

Conservationist Paul Gacheru shares how farmers and families are restoring the Mount Kenya foothills of his childhood to forested health.