
The COLANDS initiative is confronting common challenges in the field in Ghana, Indonesia and Zambia.

In this Landscape News bi-weekly digest of climate news, a new world record temperature, and why the US should stay in the Paris Agreement.

A new report assesses the main drivers of zooneses and how the knock-on effects of unstainable food systems can lead to future pandemics.

Catch up on your climate news: ehighways expand, sleeper trains see a heyday, and France becomes home to the world’s biggest nuclear fusion project.

Journalist and award-winning author David Quammen on his career of writing to change human perspective on the natural world.

In this roundup of climate news, half of Oklahoma recognized as Native land, carbon dioxide at 15-million-year high, and biodiversity worth USD 10 trillion.

GLF Live with author Nicholas Carr and Brad Simmons on how the growing digital landscape is changing the way people consume, learn and interact.

Leading experts say the answer lies in two places: genetic diversity and agroecology.

As the peak season for forest fires approaches in the tropics, experts warn the coronavirus pandemic could heighten its effects.

In this news roundup: new dates for COP 26, world’s largest electric aircraft takes off, and Extinction Rebellion meets Black Lives Matter

The Global Landscapes Forum proves digital conferencing holds massive advantages for climate, social and knowledge-sharing goals.

And other quotes from the Global Landscapes Forum Bonn 2020 digital conference

New research examines what genetic resemblances among primates means in the context of pandemics, and why this sounds alarm bells for great apes.