Tag: forests

Hear from the Global Landscapes Forum's 6 Restoration Stewards on the most important decade for the planet.

How “farmer-managed natural regeneration,” FMNR, is taking hold on the African continent and beyond to combat drought and boost agriculture.

A restoration project in the Congo Basin forests is bringing degraded land back into productivity, fueled by research.

For International Day of Forests 2021, Wanjira Mathai, Robert Nasi and Mette Wilkie discuss the state of the world's forests.

Q&A with European Forest Institute director Marc Palahí on the bioeconomy movement, sustainability and how forests can help achieve this

Our selection of this year's best forests and restoration stories

Dating back millions of years, the fruit and nut forests of Central Asia gave birth to some of the world's favorite snacks.

Tree-planting is having a heyday in the headlines, but we must be careful what we say to ensure its beneficial to the planet.

When should tree planting or the natural regeneration of forest be used to enjoy economic, climate and ecosystem benefits from reforestation?

Particular altitudinal conditions of some mountains can result in cloud forests, unique "elvin woodlands" that contain special ecosystems

From the Amazon to Siberia, experts discuss the world’s 2020 fires, spanning climate change, deforestation and fire management

Environmental defender Javier Ruiz Gutierrez continues battling agribusiness and criminal networks to protect the Chaparrí reserve.

Experts have called for evidence-based approaches and community engagement to grow forests across Africa and improve livelihoods.

Notable words from leading experts on the opportunities of planting trees, speaking in a digital forum hosted by CIFOR-ICRAF.