Tag: forests

A lawsuit against the West African government over the Atewa Forest landscape elucidates the need to balance development and biodiversity.

Archaeological findings on prehistoric human teeth, and the phytoliths therein, prove under-examined lens into prehistoric land use.

From sustainable sneakers to street artists in New York City, here's our pick of this year’s top stories on sustainable lifestyle.

Tropical forests are vital to limiting global warming – and California's controversial Tropical Forest Standard aims at keeping them in place.

In this bi-weekly digest: COP 25 moves to Madrid, Italy teaches climate change to kids, and why the Paris agreement pledges aren’t enough.

In northern Ghana, riverine tree-planting along the vulnerable Daka River proves how trees can nourish water-based ecosystems – and pocketbooks.

An in-depth look at the progress and holdbacks of Africa's Great Green Wall, one of history's most ambitious restoration efforts.

Responsible use of fire to clear land, known as controlled burning, incentivizes farmers keep forests in-tact while profiting from their lands.

In the fallout of unsustainable logging in the DRC, locals begin replanting

From the Sahel to the Sahara and from ancient cities to gleaming beaches, here's a photo journey across African landscapes and their eight distinct regions.

The director general on the youth movement and Germany's "duty" to conserve global biodiversity

10 fast facts on the sub-Saharan African country

Efforts to restore the Earth's degraded ecosystems, from forests to oceans, rises as a solution to climate change at the Global Landscapes Forum NYC 2019.

What exactly are peatlands and rangelands? Here’s all you need to know about the planet’s major ecosystems, the challenges they face, and why they matter.

A five-year stocktake of the landmark New York Declaration on Forests says deforestation is still rising – but not everywhere.