Tag: forests

A quick rundown on our planet’s ecosystems

Forest and land tenure rights are vital tools against land grabbing – but many Indigenous peoples and local communities still lack them.

In this news roundup: Cambodia says no to U.S. trash, Greta Thunberg's new pop-rock hit, and how Pacific islands could morph to survive climate change

The region’s countries could gain 19 million hectares of forests by 2050 if all goes well – or they could end up losing 5 million hectares.

In the ‘Serengeti of Southeast Asia’, the Prey Lang smartphone app helps Indigenous communities in Cambodia expose and record illegal logging.

A recent study looks at how the price of carbon can be a crucial tool for encouraging reforestation – and remove gigatons of CO2 from the atmosphere.

Words of the wise from GLF Bonn 2019

Stories from Colombia, Indonesia and India

Favorite foods need agroforestry to survive

Countries leverage a decade of REDD+ to advance the Paris Agreement

News to know in our bi-weekly digest

Lessons from 5 continents in GLF Kyoto Act III

Climate change could become irreversible in the near future, but it's not too late to start taking action, say speakers at GLF Kyoto.

Opinions from Robert Nasi on ecosystems in the Anthropocene

Introducing four speakers at GLF Kyoto 2019