Tag: sustainable cities

How the island nation of Singapore became a ‘model city’ for integrated water management.

After years of drought, the South African capital famously evaded “Day Zero” for water once. But can it do so again?

As central Chile shoulders its 13th year of drought, how will Santiago keep its faucets flowing?

Once West Germany’s capital, now a global hub for sustainability: Here’s how Bonn reinvented itself to stay relevant in a changing world.

The collapse of the steel industry hit Luxembourg's Belval region hard. Now a €2 billion project seeks to revitalize it through research and innovation.

The biodiversity returning to Newtown Creek after a century of toxic waters inspires a new street art mural from a duo of Brooklyn artists.

From flood protection to drinking water, wetlands provide a wide variety of ecosystem services to cities around the world.

Artist Melissa McGill uses traditional sailboats to speak on climate change, water health and the importance of history to the sinking city's future.

Our best summer reads: sustainable cities in Japan and Germany, activism in Fiji and South Africa, and showcasing the future of bamboo in China

Climate change could become irreversible in the near future, but it's not too late to start taking action, say speakers at GLF Kyoto.

Revisiting an important waypoint in the story of climate change