Figs grow on an ancient species of ficus trees and are among the most vitamin- and mineral-rich fruits. Faith Kashefska Lefever, Flickr

Landscape News’ top 5 food stories for World Food Day 2019

From a Michelin-star chef Q&A to a defense for agroforestry, the best from our archives
Wed October 2019

Happy World Food Day! As today stands as a reminder of our collective goal to achieve a world with zero hunger, it also serves as an opportunity to recognize that solving hunger alone is not enough. Ensuring proper nutrition, improving the health of soils, changing behaviors to support better use of landscapes, and finding new – or reverting back to traditional – methods to make agriculture and livestock more sustainable all must come in stride. With that, here is a crop of Landscape News stories illuminating how we can change the ways we produce and consume food to in turn change the world.

Fast facts: Agriculture
A quick rundown on agricultural ecosystems

Rice paddy fields
An aerial view of rice paddy fields. smcde, Flickr

Thought for food: Walter Willett on diet for personal and planetary health
The global nutrition leader reflects on the controversies of his career – and the benefits they continue to bring

Courtesy of Walter Willett
Courtesy of Walter Willett

Where – and why – is agroforestry hiding?
A clear solution to climate change is going largely overlooked

Agroforestry has been proven to increase land productivity and resilience to climate change in landscapes across the world. ICRAF
Agroforestry has been proven to increase land productivity and resilience to climate change in landscapes across the world. ICRAF

Food fighters: A series
Massimo Bottura: The famous gastronome uses food waste to feed the stomachs – and souls – of urban poor
Lawrence Haddad: GAIN’s executive director looks past feeding the world to nourishing it
Marion Nestle: When it comes to food facts, Nestle tells why we shouldn’t believe what we’re told

Haddad was awarded 2018's World Food Prize for his research on food policy and propelling child nutrition forward on the global agenda. GAIN
Haddad was awarded 2018’s World Food Prize for his research on food policy and propelling child nutrition forward on the global agenda. GAIN

Growing proteins for a meatless future
How one scientist is designing a plant-based diet for the 21st century

Cereals, nuts and seeds
A variety of cereals, pasta, beans, nuts and seeds. Marco Verch, Flickr



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