Big data experts ‘fall in love with the problem’ of reshaping food systems by exploring new technologies.
In this news roundup: 40% of plant species at risk of extinction, China pledges carbon neutrality by 2060, and mushroom coffins from Delft.
Bolsonaro decries “absurd international rules” and member states include ecosytems in COVID-19 recovery at first UN Biodiversity Summit.
New report says more funding is needed to complete the African initiative to restore 100 million hectares of degraded landscapes.
In this Landscape News bi-weekly digest of climate news, a new world record temperature, and why the US should stay in the Paris Agreement.
Catch up on your climate news: ehighways expand, sleeper trains see a heyday, and France becomes home to the world’s biggest nuclear fusion project.
A new report finds that economic benefits of expanding protected areas to cover 30% of the planet's lands and oceans outweigh the costs 5-to-1.
In this news roundup: Europe exporting toxic fuel to Nigeria, climate denialism reigns on Facebook, and Thai project turns fishing nets into face masks.
News to know in our bi-weekly digest
Access to sustainable finance proves a challenge for scaling up smallholder projects that combine climate goals with achieving food security.
In this news roundup: new dates for COP 26, world’s largest electric aircraft takes off, and Extinction Rebellion meets Black Lives Matter
The Global Landscapes Forum proves digital conferencing holds massive advantages for climate, social and knowledge-sharing goals.
And other quotes from the Global Landscapes Forum Bonn 2020 digital conference
GLF Live with journalists Sara Schonhardt, Sahana Ghosh, Fredrick Mugira and Bram Ebus