Home | Food & Livelihoods
In this news roundup: 40% of plant species at risk of extinction, China pledges carbon neutrality by 2060, and mushroom coffins from Delft.
Bolsonaro decries “absurd international rules” and member states include ecosytems in COVID-19 recovery at first UN Biodiversity Summit.
Peatland swamp forests are delicate ecosystems that can mass-store carbon – but only if planted with the right tree species.
How to plant trees using methods other than your hands? From drones to dogs to ‘cocoons,’ there are many ways to get seeds into the ground.
Illustrated sereies shows how trees and wild plants can provide for everything, from creating tattoos to treating epilepsy.
New report says more funding is needed to complete the African initiative to restore 100 million hectares of degraded landscapes.
In this Landscape News bi-weekly digest of climate news, a new world record temperature, and why the US should stay in the Paris Agreement.
Why researchers are rushing to make potatoes more resilient to climate change, plus 5 facts about their extraordinary potential.
Filmmaker Guille Isa speaks to poet Donatella Gasparro on how documentaries are crucial for cultural conservation during the climate crisis.
Citizen scientists from Indigenous groups in Borneo document the island's rare biodiversity in attempts to to protect it from logging.
A new report assesses the main drivers of zooneses and how the knock-on effects of unstainable food systems can lead to future pandemics.
Catch up on your climate news: ehighways expand, sleeper trains see a heyday, and France becomes home to the world’s biggest nuclear fusion project.
Journalist and award-winning author David Quammen on his career of writing to change human perspective on the natural world.
Experts report the latest insights from three countries, from ancestral techniques like Ecuador's Chakra system to new government collaborations.
GLF Live with author Nicholas Carr and Brad Simmons on how the growing digital landscape is changing the way people consume, learn and interact.