Category: Food & Livelihoods

Mike Mora discusses challenges of land reform in Colombia

Increases in incomes, assets and education; decreases in deforestation

Insights from Mars Wrigley Confectionery on the jurisdictional approach

Digging into the psychology of materialism with Tim Kasser

From overcoming cognitive biases to designing campaigns

Meet the winners of 2019’s ‘Green Nobel Prize’

Youth activist Komal Kumar seeks to build climate resilience in Fiji

Scientists make call-to-action for a fire-smart future

Former Irish president Mary Robinson uses true protagonists to show why everyone must cling to hope

From melting glaciers to drought to diplomacy, a briefing

Land-dependent groups have a vested interest in success

Countries progress on regional issues at Central Asia Climate Change Conference

Experts discuss forest bathing’s history and health benefits in GLF Digital Summit

A primer on five countries’ conditions in climate change