Tag: farming

From developments in plant-based meat technology to Indigenous recipes, here's our 10-item menu of the best stories on sustainable food.

Kenya's 27-year-old "Mister Agriculture" on why new seasons require new technologies, and getting youth involved in professional farming.

Responsible use of fire to clear land, known as controlled burning, incentivizes farmers keep forests in-tact while profiting from their lands.

A new cookbook of Indigenous recipes in Mexico's poorest state reignites pride in tradition, native seeds and sense of place.

Efforts to restore the Earth's degraded ecosystems, from forests to oceans, rises as a solution to climate change at the Global Landscapes Forum NYC 2019.

A quick rundown on our planet’s ecosystems

In this news roundup: Cambodia says no to U.S. trash, Greta Thunberg's new pop-rock hit, and how Pacific islands could morph to survive climate change

Mike Mora discusses challenges of land reform in Colombia

Introducing four speakers at GLF Kyoto 2019

Farmers receive new technology for proof of their land management

We may be what we eat, but our dietary choices also affect the health of the environment, and farmers’ back pockets. Energy and water use, native habitat cut down for crops and grazing, and emissions that exacerbate climate change, are just some of the profound effects agriculture has on Earth. And, there are more and […]

President Obama’s trip to Cuba this week accelerated the warming of U.S.-Cuban relations. Many people in both countries believe that normalizing relations will spur investment that can help Cuba develop its economy and improve life for its citizens. But in agriculture, U.S. investment could cause harm instead. For the past 35 years I have studied […]