Category: Food & Livelihoods

In conversation with Dr. Aaron Bernstein of Harvard Medical School about the known and anticipated connections between climate change and COVID-19.

In this news roundup: the connections between coronavirus and carbon emissions, oil prices, the ozone layer and where to get carbon-negative hand sanitizer.

The rapidly growing industry of insect farms is seeing protein-rich bugs are increasingly filling feeding troughs for more sustainable livestock.

Forego the meat and make your diet more sustainable with these alternative proteins, cropping up in every part of the world.

Which bans, fines and alternatives are successfully curbing plastic bag use in efforts to fight global plastic pollution.

A lawsuit against the West African government over the Atewa Forest landscape elucidates the need to balance development and biodiversity.

Pastoralists and their ancestral lands are showing their environmental, cultural and economic value for the global future.

Archaeological findings on prehistoric human teeth, and the phytoliths therein, prove under-examined lens into prehistoric land use.

The inconvenient truth about some fish farming is that fishmeal and fish oil industries are depleting ocean stocks to produce fish feed.

A lack of micronutrients in diets is an issue known as “hidden hunger." Forests can help this, but only if carefully integrated with local realities.

In examining the Australian fires, experts share on how Indigenous knowledge, relocation and government aid should be incorporated into fire aid globally.

Whether it’s growing your own food at home, or making the most out of leftovers, these books on healthy and sustainable food have you covered.

Top 10 stories on initiatives working behind the scenes to build and sustain livelihoods in harmony with nature.

From developments in plant-based meat technology to Indigenous recipes, here's our 10-item menu of the best stories on sustainable food.

From the adoption of a new U.N. Decade to efforts happening in local communities around the globe, here's our pick of 2019's top stories on restoration.