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Study forecasts survival rates for 18 of Amazonia's main collected plant species and the impact of these extractive resources on communities.
Three questions with Future Africa director Cheikh Mbow
The Global Landscapes Forum hosted a two-day event on African drylands. Food, youth and narrative were discussed on day-one.
The president of IFAD speaks on the complex solutions needed to increase the health and livelihoods of the world's 3.4 billion rural people.
An interview with Ndidi Nwuneli, the Nigerian serial entrepreneur bringing her region’s food and agriculture systems into a new era.
The latest issue of journal Crop Science examines how pre-breeding crops with their wild relatives can increase their climate resilience.
New agricultural techniques are growing one of the world’s most ancient cereal crops, fonio, into a solution to hunger – and a food trend
A new study highlights the wide-ranging benefits of sustainably sourced tropical tree foods for your health, the planet and food producers
Dating back millions of years, the fruit and nut forests of Central Asia gave birth to some of the world's favorite snacks.
GLF Live with documentary filmmaker and director of New York Times' Critic's Pick Gather, Sanjay Rawal.
Farmers step up to the challenge of accelerating the digitalization of global food systems amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic
Illustrated sereies shows how trees and wild plants can provide for everything, from creating tattoos to treating epilepsy.
Why researchers are rushing to make potatoes more resilient to climate change, plus 5 facts about their extraordinary potential.
A new report assesses the main drivers of zooneses and how the knock-on effects of unstainable food systems can lead to future pandemics.