Tag: food security

New report looks at the pandemic’s effects on nutrition and hunger in Africa, and how lessons learned could lead to a better-fed future.

Q&A on COVID-19 and genebanks with ICRAF's Tony Simons and Crop Trust's Charlotte Lusty, Lava Kumar and Vania Azevedo.

In conversation with Lawrence Haddad, executive director of the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition, about COVID-19 and the global food supply system.

A lack of micronutrients in diets is an issue known as “hidden hunger." Forests can help this, but only if carefully integrated with local realities.

From developments in plant-based meat technology to Indigenous recipes, here's our 10-item menu of the best stories on sustainable food.

Leading food scientist Bruce Campbell gives his views on what eating meat in the age of climate change, both scientifically and culturally.

One of the world’s foremost food system experts, Louise Fresco, on how technology and urban agriculture can transform the world's food supply.

From a Michelin-star chef Q&A to a defense for agroforestry, we've pulled the best stories from our archives for World Food Day.

A new cookbook of Indigenous recipes in Mexico's poorest state reignites pride in tradition, native seeds and sense of place.

Global Evergreening Alliance CEO Christopher Armitage on how agroforestry can both feed a growing population and restore the planet’s degraded landscapes.

Efforts to restore the Earth's degraded ecosystems, from forests to oceans, rises as a solution to climate change at the Global Landscapes Forum NYC 2019.

A quick rundown on our planet’s ecosystems

Water-intensive crops like avocados could become a thing of the past as climate change reduces the land’s ability to feed humanity.

Today’s proteins come primarily from meat – but raising livestock to feed 9.8 billion people won’t be sustainable. One scientist believes he has the answer.

In this news roundup: Cambodia says no to U.S. trash, Greta Thunberg's new pop-rock hit, and how Pacific islands could morph to survive climate change